For the first time in Miami we are very happy to introduce the First Level of Celestial System, hosted by the teacher Teresa Juan from Spain. Teresa Juan is direct disciple of the Master Joaquín de la Calzada founder of the method.

During the previous week to the course there will be meditations, talks and workshops where one could discuss with the Master about any specific topic.


Reach your spiritual potential

Recharge your energetic field, activate your inner resources and learn to activate your chakras.

Keep your energetic field clean and let your system regenerate and be recharged every day.

Celêstial system is the system to activate the inner resources in a simple, easy and natural way.

With Celêstial we learn to channel our own inner energy and also our entire wisdom so we are able to project our presence in a complete way.

In a very easy way, you will be able to cancel the programming cells that block you with fear, pain or shortage. All false believes that could be stopping your access to your vital energy to the great cosmic consciousness will be transmuted.


A path to inner peace

Celêstial is simple, easy and natural as life. We already have everything we are searching for. That is why we are looking for it, we know it intuitively and we feel we need to reach it.

We need to get rid of all complexities of the mind

and go back to simplicity and naturalness.

The essence of Celêstial System is to go back to the connection with our creative power so we can make easy what is complex.

It is the return to our soul´s home, where spirituality turns out natural 


Get rid of the obstacles of your mind

Connect with an easy but very deep meditation practice.

Achieve your mental clarity and solve your inner conflicts that lead you to stress. The main goal of Celêstial System´s courses is to transform our life perception, expanding our world vision.

Through easy tools and creative experiences, Celêstial System let you expand yourself and grow through the awakening of the creative power in your Soul.

The key to develop the potential creative of our inner self is to connect with our superior conscience and receive all the creative power of our own intuition in a process that we call the Activation of the Soul.


Discover the liberating power of love

Shift your life and unblock everything that is stopping you from moving forward.

Activate the frequency of Living, Feeling and Sharing.

Free yourself from pain, fear or shortage... and open your wings. Once we understand that we are able to fly, we need to fly the nest. Then is when we start creating the human being we wish to be. Reprogramming our mind and changing our believes towards success and happiness.


Develop the strength of your mind 

Celêstial is a process of constant and conscious creation that lets the person be awaken and with the ability of action in three spheres of consciousness.

Sphere of the mind: mental clarity, integration of the brain lobes for the intuition development, removal of the inner conflicts and stress management, inner transformation in a subconscious level, beliefs program, activation of new patterns, etc

Sphere of the heart: Systems of emotional release, Activation of inner happiness, resilience and heart coherence, integration of emotional language and the opening of new patters of the Live, Feel and Share.

Sphere of the body: Activation of the personal power, Activation of the life purpose, Activation of the success and happiness, healing, integration and regeneration. Self acceptance, self recognition and self love.

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